Thursday, November 03, 2005

Peony Plantings

Last night, I decided I want to stick my hands in some real dirt, so I planted peonies instead of playing with the compost bins.

I had picked up a bag of garden soil and some pots the other day. Good bag of soil, even if it did smell like a bog. Then again, that's the point. *smirk* Very nice consistancy. Although, I need to remember not to wear my tan work pants while gardening. Oh, well, it will wash out.

The pots had looked bigger before I started planting. Then again, the roots looked smaller before I removed the spagnum moss they were packed in. I need to keep reminding myself that they will not be living in the pots for more than this winter. And I am going to put them in the shed through the worst of the weather. I just wish I had the time, money and stamina to prepare that bed, but if wishes were horses, I'd have enough free fertilizer.

The grab bag included three double white peonies and three double pink peonies. The double white roots looked nicer than the double pink. But they were all great looking roots. The three whites had 5 eyes, 6 eyes and 7 eyes. While the three pinks had 3 eyes, 5 eyes and 6 eyes.

I tried to photograph my roots, but half of them didn't turn out well. I was losing the light as I was potting and didn't have time to mess with it.

I ended up planting them very close together, just because there wasn't room in the pots. But I'd probably have planted them that close anyway. I like tight groupings of flowers. The eyes are about an inch below the top of the soil, but I'm going to put mulch over top of that, so I didn't want them too deep.

I need to take it slow and steady. Gardening takes time. I don't need a yard full of peonies next year blooming in succession. But that doesn't stop me from wanting it. Humble beginnings.


Anonymous said...

Humble beginnings are good beginnings. I like to plant close too. Now that I have seen your peonies, I want to plant some. I have some that came with the house when we moved in but I left my very favorite behind, that I'd had for years & years...homesick for peonies & I never had many, just two but they are a wonderful plant. Good luck w/yours.

millionbells said...

Yes, I need to start small. And now is the season of peony sales. Doubly tempting now that Breck's is running a fantastic sale. But they'll run it next year too.

And it will be hard if I ever move. Just next time, I need to make sure I plant the peonies first!