Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Unfair Tactics

Yesterday was a fine day, but not beautiful. The 80 degree temperatures crossed over into a preview of summer complete with haze and humidity. But still it was a nice change from all the snow cover, so I can't complain too much.

However, by the time I got home from errands, ate dinner and had a little decompression, the weather was changing. I only got ten minutes of weeding in before the downpour started. A downpour accompanied by thunder and lightning. I simply had to go back in.

But I did discover a third peony shoot just poking out of the ground. I have three peonies! It doesn't look as robust as the others, but I'm hoping that will change once it is up longer.

And the weeds in the iris bed just don't play fair. Every other one are right next to the iris rhizomes. You can't dig them out at that point. You can just pull gently and hope that the roots don't pull the iris out as they come. The runners are worse. They go under the rhizome but above the iris rootes. Argh.


kate said...

There's nothing better than coming home to find new shoots of favourite plants poking through the earth.

Enjoy the weather ... we are expecting 4 inches of snow today (even though all of our snow melted by Sunday)!

Rosengeranium said...

Know what you mean; my thorniest rose is protecting a rug of grass I don't want. They (the weed) knows every trick to stay out of reach.