Saturday, October 21, 2006

Oak, Laurel Oak

Okay, so the tree I've been calling a willow next door is actually a Laurel Oak. I got confirmation when a biggish branch came down yesterday in the high winds. There were little acorns on it. So, it had to be an oak. Now, in my defense, there aren't a lot of acorns on the ground or even under the tree. But it's good to have that settled.

My mum is sitting in an old concrete planter on my deck. Since it was going to get cold again tonight, I went out and scooped up leaves off of the deck to tuck in the planter to help insulate the pot. While I was doing that, I spotted a big preying mantis on the deck. She must have been trying to soak up the sun.


Annie in Austin said...

Do you think it could be a Willow Oak? From googling around, it seems they're closely related, but Laurel Oak supposedly needs better drainage. My one oak is a Live Oak.

Millionbells, I read the second paragraph too fast and had a transient mental image of your parent sitting on the planter. Duh.

Annie at the Transplantable Rose

Kasmira said...

I did a double-read on your "mum" paragraph. I thought your mother was sitting in a concrete planter! I wondered what she could have done to merit such treatment. :)

millionbells said...

It could be a willow oak, they look similar and it does seem to have a better range.

*giggle* Yeah, but even my mom calls them mums!