Thursday, October 19, 2006


Well, the Asian or Harlequin Ladybugs are on the move. There were lots of them swarming the building at work and I've spotted one or two or twenty individuals around the house, outside. These non-native ladybugs are from Russia, Korea, China and Japan. It both hitch hiked on ocean going vessels and was introduced by the Department of Agriculture to control aphids and other scale insects because the native ladybugs had more than they could handle.

Normally, everyone would be thrilled to see ladybugs. Not only are they lucky, but they eat aphids. Unfortunately, these Harlequins have two very annoying habits. The first is hybernation. The local ladybugs go off into the woods one by one and find a nice secluded spot to spend the winter. No problem. Unfortunately, the Harlequins gather in big swarms and seek out cliffs to hibernate in. But North America is lacking in cliffs over much of it! But what looks like a cliff to a ladybug? You got it, buildings! Houses with light colored siding especially! If you're lucky, they just crawl under the siding. If you aren't, they could try and share your living space. And that's a lot of beetles to have as houseguests.

Which brings up the other problem. When they feel threatened, they exude a yellow-orange fluid. This blood stains just as badly as regular human blood. Not to mention the smell.

And there are people with allergies to these out of town ladybugs. Eww.

So, while it's good to know they are there and eating the aphids, there are some problems. I hope they find somewhere else to hibernate than my house.

Oh, and remember when I was lamenting yesterday about having missed out on buying more Hibiscus? Meet Carolina Breeze. Isn't she pretty?

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