Thursday, September 07, 2006


It appears that I have not been keeping up with my weeding sufficently. The side of the patio is usually easy to weed, since there is a layer of gravel there and dirt is not tightly packed. But I do have to weed it, since the people who put in the gravel, did not put in a weed barrier. Although, the downspout extender does smother a good chunk of it.

The other day, I found this:

What it is, is a very waterlogged morning glory in the afternoon. :) I like morning glories. I put off planting some, because they'd take over and reseed like mad. The only real spot to plant them, without having them climb the neighbor's fences is the shed, and I did not feel up to to creating or installing a trellis this year. But I have a morning glory!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe the morning glories are trying to tell you something.

How fun! A surprise for you.