Friday, February 03, 2006


So, I've been surfing the seed catalogs trying to decide on a variety of sunflower to buy for my garden. I finally got to the point where I was reading descriptions, when horror of horrors, I find that most of the varieties are "pollenless"! I had to blink at that one. Why would anyone want pollenless sunflowers? I certainly don't. I want to feed butterflies and bees. And I also want to feed the birds, would they actually produce seeds?

So, I hopped on the internet and found a good article about sunflowers. Basically, "pollenless" sunflowers were developed for the cut flower industry. The pollen of the sunflower is very messy and stains everything, which is detrimental to a cut flower. And as feared, the seeds are very small or non-exsistant.

Which means that pollenless sunflowers are worthless to me. Unfortunately, they are some of the prettiest on the market. Bah.