Well, maybe not that frightful, the forecast is calling a chance of flurries a long shot. But it is frigid out there. With the windchill, they are talking temperatures in the teens. Brrr, quite a change from last week's 60s.
The temperature change can be best described by what happened with my birdseed plate. My feeder consists of a cheep plate that I pour birdseed in. Sunday, I was lazy and just threw bread crumbs on the deck, so when I went out to refill it Monday morning, the rain from Saturday was frozen solid. So, since I can't put anything in an iced over plate, I turned the plate upside down, while spreading the seed directly on the deck. I figured with highs in the 40s and the amount of sun the back deck gets, all would be de-iced. But no, this morning, I found a mound of ice beneath the plate. Fortunately, enough melting had occurred that the ice was not stuck to the place. But still, that's chilly!
Oh, and when I got back from class last night, I found my new West County gloves waiting for me. They worked! On the drive into work this morning, I wasn't trying to warm my hands up at every traffic light! Gah, I need better circulation.