Thursday, December 01, 2005

Flood Planes

Flood planes are areas surrounding rivers and creeks where occasional flooding occurs. In forethinking areas, this plane is surrounded by grassy, parklike areas. So that when the creek or river inevitably overflows its banks, there is no harm, no foul. While greedy idiots that build in the banks end up with nasty water in their houses and businesses all of the time.

When I was looking at this house, I realized there was a creek in the back. I made sure there were no signs of water damage to the walk-out basement, and the fence timbers didn't show signs of rot. And the creeks is beyond the grassy verge, so there is a lot of distance to the house.

Not to mention, the creek bank is fairly high, when I got around to wandering over there. I just figured that the trickle moved fairly well.

However, this idea was shattered last week, right as I was getting ready to leave the house to travel to my parents. There had been a lot of rain the day before, and there were lots of leaves in the creek. I looked out and saw a thin ribbon of standing water in the middle of the grassy verge. Which really did not look right. So, I got out my binoculars. The creek was swollen and ugly at the top of the creekbed! Eeek! And it was not sluggish water either. Not a good sign at all. I wish I had been able to get a picture, but I needed to be on the road. It also makes me wish I had gone out and checked the creek on the day that we had 8 inches of rain. Worried now.

Although, forecasts for snow on Saturday night and Monday morning also have me worried. Thankfully the other office is fairly close to my house, and I have to go in later for the next two weeks. Hate snow on roads.