Sunday, December 04, 2005


I had meant to post pretty pictures of a dusting of snow. However, between the time I was up in the middle of the night, and I crawled out of bed this morning, snow had turned to rain and it was all melted. Which I think is pretty cool.

Tomorrow might be a different story. The weathermen are using terms like "snow event" and "beginning of the season". Not cheery terms. Thankfully, I will not have to share the highways tomorrow afternoon with people who don't know how to drive in snow, or worse don't know how to drive huge 4x4 vehicles in the snow. I think I can do without internet at work for that little blessing.

See, despite the fact that this is Maryland and is techincally in the South, it's not that far south. It's zone 6 (7 in some areas depending on the map), which means the ground still freezes for most of the winter and it snows. The snow just generally doesn't last out the week. But since it is DC, we have a constant in flux of people from all parts of the country and the world, so there's always a new crop of drivers who have never experienced snow. Much less the 4-6 inches that it takes to shut down the city.

I will appreciate the snow for what it will do for my gardens and my currently unraked lawns, but I will not appreciate shoveling my front walk and my parking spaces. I just hope people don't take my shoveled parking spaces. Mine, all mine.