Friday, April 04, 2008

The Other Side

Well, I've crawled out from under my taxes. I need to stop putting them off. Unfortunately, I've discovered that instead of using my rebate check to buy a nice electric chipper shredder, it's been sucked up by what I owe. Somehow, old company didn't quite take the standard withholding levels out of my check leaving me short. *grrr*

On to spring. Or at least the period that involved sleet yesterday. It's been rainy. April showers and all that. Hydrangea is starting to leaf out. Tulip leaves are going gang busters. I'm seeing yellow buds on the new daffodils. Not sure I like them being that much later than the old daffodils, but they're in the ground so it's a little hard to change.

Cherry blossoms are all over the place. Early ones, late ones, ones that are washed off the tree.... Still, I love cherry blossoms. When I can actually plant a tree, I'm going to get a pink one. Maybe a double, even. DC Cherry blossom festival was chilled with winds last week and washed out this week. Even the sun predicted on Sunday won't really help since the blossoms have been hit with several days of rain after several days of rough winds. Ah well. There's always next year.

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