Obviously Mother Nature thought Spring was moving along too quickly and needed a break. Five days of freeze warnings (including tomorrow) is a bit much. And we're not expected to see normal temperatures until Saturday, if then. Argh! But then some procrastinators need to be spending this week doing taxes, instead of gardening... *whistles nonchalantly*
Baseball and the Cherry Blossom Festival went on this weekend as planned, despite the return of snow on Saturday. It wasn't more than a quarter inch, if that, and it was gone by 9 am, even in the shade. But it still wasn't a happy thing to see. Nor were the snow flurries that persisted until noon.
The daffodils in the back yard are finishing up. Although, that's just due to the passage of time, rather than the temperatures. Everything else seems to be faring well, except for my holly. That's going to need some pruning when the weather actually warms up.