Friday, October 06, 2006

The Name Game

It is an interesting phenomenon. Goldenrod is becoming a popular garden plant. Nurseries are actually having sales on them. Is it possible that is finally getting past the stigma of blooming during ragweed season? Have the pollen-casters gotten the point across that goldenrod uses pollinators instead of flinging it's pollen about willy-nilly like ragweed? No, not really. Nurseries seem to be hiding it's identity behind latin-fication. That's right, they're selling Solidago! Just kinda makes you chuckle, doesn't it?

Oh, and speaking of ragweed. A very limited trial of a Hay Fever vaccine has shown positive results. That is very interesting science. Especially if the treatment can be expanded to other pollens allergens. Right now, it's still showing results at 2 years. Very promising.


Diana LaMarre said...

I've noticed that, too, about the Goldenrod. Every garden magazine I pick up seems to be toting its virtues. I don't have any myself.

By the way, I love the door decoration you made below.

Annie in Austin said...

This is very interesting. I wonder if the nurseries' only intent is to minimize the erroneous connection between goldenrod and allergies. Maybe they're hoping the name Solidago will sound like something new and exotic, so you'll forget you already have it and buy more?

I'm always happy to see both names on a tag!

Annie at the Transplantable Rose

Anonymous said...

I grew up with Golden Rod in the garden - it's been self seeding in one bed for over forty years! I wouldn't be without it, fashionable or not.