Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Soggy Seedlings

Last night, I planted out a bunch of seedlings. Four sunflowers, three beebalm, three butterfly weeds and two dwarf morning glories. (*giggle* It always sounds weird when I say I'm planting weeds.) I think I lost one of the sunflowers, though. It did not come cleanly out of the temporary pot it was in. But there are a few spare seedlings that can go in that spot.

The worms are loving the organic soil I put in the birdbath garden. I'd dig a hole for a seedling and there were like three worms in it. Really, it was nuts. I'm glad they're happy.


Kerri said...

I've enjoyed catching up with your garden 'doings'. We've needed rain and are getting some lately too. It's sad about the flooding in New England.
Your rhododendrons look beautiful. Love the color! We don't have any....should get some. We did plant an azalea last fall and it's leafing out well.
It's a bit too early for us to plant seedlings but I'll plant some seeds as soon as the weather brightens up. My hubby planted vege seeds back in April and some more since then. We have lettuce, onions and some other things up.

millionbells said...

Thanks, I'm really liking the rhododendrons too. Good luck on your azaleas.