Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Ants Go Marching In

My hummingbird feeder was looking more like an ant feeder, with the constant attention they were giving it. So, I made an ant moat for it. I saw the directions in my butterfly and hummingbird book. The idea of an ant moat is that ants won't cross water, so it will protect your feeder from them. It is relatively easy to make with household items.

1) Get a plastic cap, such as a soda bottle top.

2) Drill or punch a hole in the middle of the flat side. I couldn't find my drill bits, so I took an awl and slowly punched a hole in it. It actually took two caps to get it right. In the first one, the hole was too big. Pointy scissors might work in a pinch.

3) Use crazy glue or a hot glue gun to fasten the cap to the wire that holds up the feeder. I used crazy glue. I put some on either side. Since the wire comes up and then goes down, I put it on the longer side and at an angle, so it will hold more water when it is in the pot.

4) Add water and prevent ants.