Tuesday, March 14, 2006

All the Little Froggies Go Peep, Peep, Peep

Absolutely beautiful day yesterday. It got a little muggy with incoming storms late in the day, but still beautiful. The breeze took the edge off of it. I ate lunch outside and spotted the little five-lined skink that is resident on the cafeteria patio. These skinks are interesting, in that the females maintain the characteristic blue tails, while the males disolve into a rosy gold color. Quite a reversal.

Also, there are more crocus blooming. These just popped up over night under the hydrangea. They aren't the teeny tiny ones like the others. There are purple ones and yellow ones. And it looks like a few more are popping up right at the base of the hydrangea, along with some more tulips.

And the daffodils out back are blooming. The ones out front were just starting to open this morning when I left for work.


Kasmira said...

I'm jealous. The only thing I have blooming in my yard are snowdrops. No sign of my 100 crocus yet, either. I'm hoping to see their happy faces soon.

millionbells said...

I'm sure you'll see them soon. Mine had the advantage of extremely summerly temperatures to help them along quickly.

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous too. I can't wait to hear "all the little froggies go peep, peep, peep"....music to my ears! Lovely plants you have blooming.