Yesterday, I hand trimmed the worst of the grass from the front steps. You know, those patches that you just can't reach with the lawn mower. I took my hand trimmer and went after them. It looks a little better. Doesn't help that the grass is already growing after all of that rain.
Then I went to tackle the back yard beside the fence. There was a lot of long grass between the fence posts. Fortunately, a lot of it fell over with the rain, which made it a little easier. What wasn't standing, didn't need trimmed. *insert mad laugh* Let's just say, I gave my hips a workout as I tried to squat and trim.
I chased dozens of little brown hunting spiders in front of me. It didn't worry me, since I was wearing my garden gloves. Spider bites itch more than mosquitoes for me. I'd have been more wary without my goat skin gloves. Hooray for leather!
Down about where the birdbath garden will be, I found some amphibian eggs tucked up against the fence post. This is a bad sign. Either that momma amphibian is really smart or is really dumb. I'm hoping she's really dumb. Amphibians spend the first part of their life in water, meaning ponds. That area is dry. The problem comes in if she's really smart. A lot of momma amphibians will put their eggs where vernal ponds will exist. Vernal ponds being those areas of standing water that occur in spring with the snow melt. (Although, most eggs are laid in spring when the vernal ponds are there.) The eggs don't look like they have gone bad.
Which means that area could be underwater come spring. *sigh* I'm really going to have to build up a bed for the birdbath garden. Excluding the area with the eggs. I covered the eggs back up and put some more grass over them. I'd like tadpoles or whatever baby salamanders are called. Although, I don't plan on having a habitat for them the following year.
But aside from that, I got the grass trimmed. My Zeppe boy was out and roaming the yard while I was trimming. Exciting adventure! Which won't be repeated today. It's so drippy. I had planned to either attend to the dying hostas or move the lilies and iris which are starting to brown or get load after load of mulch and perhaps a compost bin while visiting a local garden. But it's still dripping and the forecast calls for it to pick up later today. So, I guess that's more a to do list for later in the week and next weekend. I guess more quilting is in order for today.