Yesterday was a rough day at work. The kind of day that makes you want to go out and buy plants to make it all better. Yeah, er, well, if the weather wasn't crap out. There isn't always room for house plants, I just don't have enough windows with good exposure. And I just added a new one on Saturday when I was getting the pansies.
I've wanted a little kalanchoe for awhile now. But the ones in the grocery store were either too big, or the wrong color. I seem to be partial to a nice golden yellow color, and the buyers were partial to pinks and reds. Or larger plants. But finally, they had some little golden yellow ones in stock. And wow, what a wonder the one that came home with me is! It's a double! Whee! (I will try and get pictures up soonish, but I've found my evenings unexpectedly filled. :( )