Well, despite the recent cool down, we only flirted with the 30s, so we didn't get any frost. Yippee! It's still going to be a bit cooler than normal, but that's better than overly warm.
I transplanted my lantana last night. I took one of the big pots that I overwintered the peonies in and put in my yellow lantana and my cuttings. The yellow lantana would have been pot bound in another month or so. Whereas one of the cuttings had a massive root system, the other didn't. Even though I filled up the bottom portion of the pot with styrofoam peanuts to cut down on weight, I still used up all of my potting soil in the process. Yikes, it's a good thing I didn't plan on going all soil. Which means that I need to go out today and buy even more potting soil than I had planned.
The amaryllis lost most of its leaves to sunburn, but it is putting out new leaves to replace them. The iris are about ready to bloom. And I have a nice yard weed blooming away happily.