I saw two tiger swallowtails at lunch yesterday. Either they were being overly friendly, or were not being friendly at all. I know the males can be territorial. I just wasn't close enough to tell if the one was chasing off the other or if there was mating involved.
Then I saw a dark swallowtail driving home. Too bad I couldn't get close enough to see what type it was. But fortunately, it was flying well above traffic and crossing the road quickly. Not one of the silly butterflies that flutters right through the cars. And yes, I was stopped at a stoplight when I saw it. ;)
I got to the post office last night to return the over the rail planters I ordered. In my excitement, I did not make certain that I was ordering the ones for 6 inch railings. *sigh* So, I packed them back up and shipped them out. I'm going to order the right ones tonight. I also need to go pick up a couple bags of potting soil for them.