I stay chemical free because of what I want my garden to be, not from any dislike of science. I want to have my little gardening buddy out with me, even if he doesn't appreciate "aggressive double fisting of weeds". I'm talking about my little Zeppe. Captive bred, too. Not that my dad intends to breed turtles, they just do that on their own. ;)
But pesticides and herbicides and chemical fertilizers are not healthy for little turtles.
I am also planting my garden to attrack butterflies to my yard. I certainly wouldn't get too many butterflies if I coated my yard with insecticides. And that would also chase off my natural insect fighting squad, Aggie the toad out front, the praying mantis by the shed, and the multitude of lady bugs I've spotted this fall. I spotted the Chinese ones swarming my place over Halloween weekend. But none got in.
If I used chemicals, I'd place all that in jeopardy. Besides, if I'm going to spend money, the natural solutions are equivalent in cost. Although, I'd rather not have fussy primadonas in my garden. :)