We got some light showers yesterday and today promises to be the same. Hopefully that will help the hydrangea. I don't know if the interior leaves are just getting sunburned or it didn't like getting pruned in the driness. I'm not too concerned. The beech trees are already starting to turn, so the season is almost over.
The rain did prevent me from mowing my lawn. The UPS man showed up last night and delivered my lawn mower. So, I assembled it. It was late and the yard was damp, so no test drive. I should also stop out and pick up another outdoor extension cord. I thought the one would be enough. I also thought that the lawn mower would have more than a 3 inch cord included. *rolls eyes* The problem is that there are more showers expected today and into tomorrow, so I don't know that I'll get to try it out until Monday. But all the plants need the rain, so I can't cry too much. (Besides, it's mowing the lawn, I shouldn't be crying at all.)
I will have to thread the extension cord out of the window though. No outside outlets on the front of my house. That's very odd. Not even for Christmas lights. Well, I don't do Christmas lights anyway. Too much trouble checking the bulbs.