So, I've been musing about the holes in the front garden. I need a ground cover with some character to try there. I've reached a decision: white polka dot plants.
A bit of history. Freshmen year when I went off to college, I surveyed the room and found it bare and drab. I coaxed my father, before he left for home, to take me to the grocery store for a few supplies and a plant. There was little selection. So, I picked a fancy ivy. There was a weed in that pot. I forget what I named the ivy, but I named the weed, Weed. I know, so creative. :P At any rate, the weed turned out to be a pink polka dot plant. It died, since inside, they seem to spend a lot of energy flowering and getting leggy. But I enjoyed it. So much so, that I got a red polka dot plant and named him George. (Gotta love Bugs Bunny.) I think I was up to George the 5th when I gave up. They are just not indoor plants and need constant attention as they get all leggy.
The front of the house is light blue and the other foliage plants out front are either green or green and white or green and light green. So, a white polka dot plant should do. I just wonder what color those rhododendrons are.