Yikes, it has been awhile. I blame apathy and finding time after work to blog. Not that much is going on it the garden either. I'm minding the heat and humidity a lot more this year. And if there's one thing the summers in DC are, it is hot and humid.
Hydrangea is blooming its little heart out. Unfortunately, I need to prune the neighbor's side a little bit harder next time. But then, that's probably why it is lush and thick over there.
Some of the butterflyweed came back on its own. Some regular orange some yellow. There are also some black eyed susans trying to move into the iris bed. Surprisingly, the beebalm is not thriving. Two little sprigs this year. I guess I have to let at least some of it go to seed. Hostas are in bloom too.
Sorry, no photos. I really need to get a new camera. The color and lighting values are going. But then it is several years old. These things don't last forever.