Wednesday, April 30, 2008

When the Ants Come Marching In

So, I didn't see any frost this morning. It was above 40 degrees here. But still, I wore a heavy coat. *sigh* Stupid wind chill.

Last night when I was trimming the hostas so my tulips could get some sun, I noticed holes in the leaves. Slugs! This early! Eek! So, I sprinkled my organic slug treatment. I didn't see too many holes in the iris, so they might be safe this year.

And while I was out, I noticed two of my peonies have buds! Buds! I might finally have peonies that bloom this year! And one of them is the new one! Yippee!


Anonymous said...

Please share what organic treatment you use for your slugs. We have a snail gang in these parts that I'd really like to see leave town.

millionbells said...

Iron phosphate. The stuff I use goes by the brand name of Sluggo. I had written in to the local organic gardening guy on the radio.

Lisa in CA said...

Thanks so much for the info. You are the second person to mention Sluggo to me so I will try and find it as soon as I can. Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Good words.