Saturday, April 12, 2008

The weekend has come, and despite all the drippy weather knocking down the pollen, it is pretty much a continuation of yesterday's beautiful weather. Even if it doesn't get up to the 80s. I did some weeding yesterday. Basically freeing the iris from dandelions and grass. Every year I say I'm going to get ahead of this and weed before everything starts bolting. Ah, well. Periwinkle looks nice among the leaves, doesn't it?

This morning, I trimmed the hydrangea. Basically deadheaded all the winter interest flowers, and took off some branches that were not showing signs of life. I also snipped a few crossing branches on the holly. And proceeded with some tough love on the rhodies. Granted, the bits of it buried under the holly probably weren't going to thrive anyway.

Then more weeding out back with a little Zeppe help. And pictures. Ignore the weeds I didn't get to yet. ;) First up, some blue/purple pansies that survived the winter and are watched over by one of my new daffodils.

Then, some of the buds on my peony-type tulips. Those are supposed to be the same variety of tulips, too. And that's the Big Ben peony in the background.


Anonymous said...

what are the red flowers coming up in the background. I just moved into a house and they are coming up in my backyard. Please help

millionbells said...

The red flower behind the tulip is a pansy. The red leaves behind the tulip is a peony.