Since it was so nice outside last evening, I hung up my hammock chair and read outside. The squirrels tried to frighten me off by giving me heck, but I still wouldn't let them bury their husked walnuts in my peony bed.
The birds were even sillier. There was this one sparrow that siddled through the fence and gave itself a heart attack when it spotted me there. Then it fluttered further down the yard till it came to the shed and sat there, trying to be invisible.
A few birds settled down to clean up the bird seed that fell under the porch and then freaked out when I moved on occasion. Then there were the birds that tried to keep objects between themselves and me while they hunted for loose seed.
The prize was won by a squeaky nuthatch, though. There are at least two out behind my house. One that was chased off of the suet feeder landed on the stair steps to my deck. It fussed about, waiting. Then it spotted me and didn't know what to do. After hopping around on a few of the steps and getting a good look at me, it flew back to one of the trees.