The robins are a bit late coming down out of the berry bushes this year. I only just started to see them on the lawns. And it's just a sprinkling of them.
Just days before my annual rental inspection, I caught the mouse. *grumble* The traps will have to be reset after the walk through. I've made progress on the list of things to do. I just need to clear a path to the window in my storage/spare bedroom, clean the spare bathtub of the aquarium grime, fix the leaky toilet, and finish unclogging the garbage disposal. Then in the time remaining, finish straightening up the place.
I did spare some time this weekend during all the little chores to get some weeding in. All sorts of little wild flowers are blooming in places where they're not supposed to be. And I spotted some chives in the yard that need to be moved into the garden.
Another plus, the outdoor chrysanthemum didn't die over the winter. It has some new growth. Yippee!