Let's see if Blogger lets me post this today.
Thursday and Friday were days of torrential downpours. Good for removing the rain deficit, but also good for flooding and knocking over trees in saturated ground. Also, Friday, during one batch of heavy rain, I looked out and saw the most pathetic and bedraggled goldfinch on the feeder sock. Poor wet thing.
The local forsythia are getting ready to bloom. Most are budded out, but a few are actually blooming. The holly bush right outside my door still has a few berries on it, but the buds for the next batch is already there.
It's getting close to time to put out sunflower seeds in the garden. I don't start inside, because I don't have too much luck with transplants. I order from Parks, because they carry my favorite variety, Velvet Queen Sunflowers. And since I was already paying for shipping, I grabbed a couple other packs to scatter about; Petunia Celebrity Red Morning, Petunia Prism Sunshine, and Zinnia Profusion Apricot. I should have picked up a pack of black-eyed susans, just to add variety to what is already in my garden.