It is one of those cold, blustery days outside. Excellent timing for another loaf of bread. Never fear garden blog reader, this isn't about to become Flour Under My Nails. Just every garden blogger needs a winter hobby. And this year, mine happens to be baking bread.
This time, it was Samuel Adams Double Bock. I've had Double Bocks before and liked them. This beer didn't match them. Which just means it goes into the oven on the way to my tummy. This variation included a half a cup of Beatty Crocker Four Cheese Instant Potatoes, and a healthy mix of oregano, parsley, basil, italian seasonings, chili powder and two Scililiano garlic cloves. A sprinkling of four Italian cheeses was placed on top before going into the oven.
Mixed up well, but despite extra flower, it still did not use up all the beer. And it was very thick and heavy. Must be from the potatoes. Cooked well, was done in 40 minutes. Good right off the bat with herb flavoring, and begs to be dipped in olive oil.
Next time, some Italian cheeses inside and more herbs. Like this variety.