Friday, August 31, 2007

Weeds I Want

So, after mowing Wednesday in a move that more in line with self preservation, than aesthetics, I tackled the weeds in the gardens. Zeppe and I were amazed to find that the milkweed was being attacked by another nebulous wildflower. The bird bath garden is now relatively safe for flowers everywhere, but I'll need to keep after the grass.

After that, I tackled the deadheading of the beebalm. Normally, I'm not big on deadheading. The birds can make better use of the seeds than I can. And free flowers next year. But beebalm is enough of a thug that I don't need to give it any mercy. One thing I did find odd about the experience was that it smelled more like oregano than mint.

I did have an oregano plant a long time ago, and I did harvest it for use as spices. But its path to garden supremecy was blunted by the chocolate mint that was planted beside it. I think I had vague leanings towards chewing on the leaves as a breath freshener. Now, it's the groundcover of choice in my dad's yard, simply because it is easier than removing it. And it does smell nice when he mows it.