Because it is a lovely mix of pink, purple and blue flowers. Now, I prefer the blue ones, they coordinate better with my house. I just adore the purpleness of the flowers. And the pink are pretty too.
But because the colors are dependent on soil pH, this kind of transitional state is hard to accomplish, let alone maintain. The soil tends towards base. And I prefer acidic colors. I got around this by putting my Christmas tree needles around the base of the hydrangea last winter. But who knows what it will look like next year.
Oh, and a brief rant, work seems to have decided that the photo sharing sites take too much bandwidth now. :/ I can't look at picture gallaries online anymore. *cries* How am I supposed to get through the work day?
These are lovely! My hydrangea became green after a few weeks in my care :-( And I hade the benefit of a hydrangea in a pot. The christmas tree needles seems to be a good idea; why not buying two trees this year? :-) (Yes, I'm a christmas fetschist; I'm planning a 3 meter tree this year, with GIGANTIC bulbs...)
If i was in your place then out of pink, purple and blue flowers, i prefer Pink flowers since it is my favourite color.
Beautiful Garden
That's some trick to have both pink and blue flowers in the same spot. How did you manage to have acid and alkaline soil right next to each other? ;)
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