I bought a few plants for my garden today. Didn't quite find what I was looking for, but stumbled across one color of million bells, 'Superbells Plum'. I picked up two plants, since I use that handle all over the place. Hopefully, I'll find a few other colors if I check out others stores. I also picked up a nice little lavendar petunia and an evening primrose called 'Lemon Sunset'. They are already out in the garden.
Three of my iris are blooming. One is the color from last year, and the other two are a nice bluish purple. Too bad it is a beautiful day out. I could use a little bit of overcast weather to take pictures.
I also bought a bunch of silk flowers. I changed my front door display around, and made up a vase for work. We're not supposed to have food or drink at our desks, and I figure that extends to water for flowers. But that's not going to stop me. :)