Hope all the mothers had a restful and enjoyable day. Mine did. All her rose bushes made it through the winter. My dad took her out Saturday to pick up lots of plants for Mother's Day and planted them for her. And she has a silly hummingbird that tries to get nectar out of roses and pine trees. Good thing she got those petunias on Saturday.
My iris are going gangbusters this year. I currently have four of the bluish-lavender ones, and a few of my Tennessee iris are also blooming. They are growing so much, that I can't get in between the leaves to weed effectively. Not that the weeds seem to be effecting the iris much.
I also poked in some of my butterfly weed seeds. All of the remainder of the packet I had bought last year, and half of the seed pod I had picked up last year.
While I was out, I also mowed the last of the back yard that needed mowing. The grass was threatening the iris. I guess I need to establish a perimeter