Well, a few things aside from the weather... The red hibiscus is severely suffering from scale, I need to treat it again this weekend. The orange one is going strong.
My flowering maple is finally reflowering. I keep forgetting to take a picture of it. I bought it about three years ago at the grocery store, and this is its first rebloom. It is a high light requirement plant and is very leggy. I nearly missed the flowers, since the "top" portion of the plant hangs over the table. Mine has orange flowers. I must try to get a good picture of it. But lighting is hard this time of year.
Also, I went to buy another bag of birdseed and got stuck with the high sunflower mix. Usually I go for more of the little seeds for the sparrows. Neighbor puts out more than enough sunflower seeds and cracked corn. Still, there are at least two dozen cardinals in the flock behind my house, so it is good they have something to eat.