It was a good visit. It was a long visit. I think I'll suggest shorter next time. There just was not enough that we were interested in doing, that we hadn't already done before. Weather stayed dry and cool the whole time. Rain didn't start up until after he left, so we got lots of walking in.
A couple highlights though, the Smithsonean Castle had about a dozen old seed cataloges on display. Lots of neat fossile seeds and plants in Natural History Museum. I found two nice parks to visit in the future. One was the C&O Canal National Park at Great Falls. The falls on the Potomac are lovely. And the Black Hill Regional Park. Nice lake and boating there. Maybe I need to buy a one person canoe or kayak too. It would be one way to build upper body strength. Of course, I shudder to think of boating alone. My dad just trained me too well as a kid. *grin*