Well, that was a nice weekend. I finished cleaning, just as they arrived. Only thing that needed done was to change a battery in the bedroom clock, oh well. It was nice to see them. And there was ACTUALLY talk of them coming down again. Especially to tramp through the woody area out back. (It was a little too swampy this weekend from all the rain that fell Friday and Saturday.)
This is big, my parents have visited exactly once since I moved to DC in 2002. (Once before while I was moving, but that was just a great big 6 hour round trip to cart stuff.) They usually don't visit because it is a production, and there wasn't much to do because my mom's health problems would prevent going into the city because of the sheer amount of walking. (She had her hip replaced last year due to bone necrosis and still has extreme arthritis in her spine.) But they like the community and park enough to want to come back!!! Yea!
They also brought down the old wooden rocking chair that they've had since I was a baby. It needs a LOT of work, since it had been outside a season or two along the way. Not sure if I'll be able to finish it before winter comes or not. Sanding here I come!