Saturday, August 05, 2006

Yuck -or- Death Comes to a Garden

So, yesterday morning I looked out and saw that the birdbath was flipped over and on the ground. Other than idly wondering what could have done that, (remember, I've got a privacy fence, so it is a bit of a mystery) it slipped my mind. This morning, I went out to do a bit of watering and tidying up, including righting the birdbath. Now, here's where it gets curious. There was a little brown bird dead beside the top of the birdbath. Eww. It kinda looked like it might have gotten knocked on the head when the birdbath got toppled. But what would leave a dead bird there? I mean, a cat might have gotten over or around the fence and knocked the top off, but to leave the bird? Anyway, I dumped the bird in the woods behind the house and tried to straighten up the plants that got smooshed. They don't seem to have broken stems, so they should survive.

My lily tuffs are starting to bloom. The black-eyed susans are attracting all sorts of pollenators. Including a Silvery Checkerspot that had a bird bite shaped hole in his wing. While I was weeding, a tiger swallowtail floated through the garden.

The weathermen claim the heat wave has broken for at least the weekend, but it is still hot out there. I was roasting in the sun. Hopefully it will be more lawn mowing friendly tomorrow. Hopefully.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Found your blog on Gardenweb...the mystery blue flower you had next to the portulaca is a Blue Daze:

millionbells said...

Thanks! And thanks for the website! I'll have to use that website to double check some of the IDs of the rest of my pictures. :)

IBOY said...

I vote that a sharp-shinned hawk swooped down and nailed your bird, but hit the bird bath with its wing, tipping it over, spooking the sharpie, so it flew off, leaving a dead bird... either that, or aliens.