Sunday, July 30, 2006

Florida Trip -- 4

My Aunt is a Master Gardener and voluteers her time at the local extension center. So, of course we stopped by there before we caught the train home. And I took lots of pictures.

And some portulacas and a mystery blue flower. Edit: The blue flower is Blue Daze.


Karmyn R said...

Wow - Florida has some amazing flowers! Such nice tropical stuff - a great place for gardening, I suppose - if you want to get eaten alive every evening an lose poundage sweating. I'll stick with winter - it always makes me appreciate spring planting more so!!!

millionbells said...

I feel the same way. Still is nice to go visit the relatives before it gets too hot. :)

That and I'd miss peonies and tulips and daffodils and ......