Monday, July 10, 2006

Da Funk

I'll admit it, I've been on a blogging slump. It started up when it was too hot to work outside, and to sweltering to be on the computer. Took two weeks to get them to replace it this time around. And then, in the glory of the coolness, I just don't feel like doing much. Not to mention, I've been assigned to a different location for work, which means that I'm without internet all summer. It wasn't supposed to be that way, but inertia being what it is, I doubt they will get me hooked up before I leave again. And the adjustment in working hours has thrown me off schedule completely.

Not much is going on in the garden. The nasturtium bloomed, but I keep missing them with the camera. The beebalm I tried to transplant seem to have not liked the swampy conditions and died back. The hosta are blooming away happily. While I had to take out one of the mystery plants so they could replace the air conditioner.


Anonymous said...

I like this post, it rings true for many of us. Hate to hear of computer problems, no matter the temperature, they are a pain in the butt. It is too hot to be in the garden and too hot at the computer. Concentration is vague in this weather. I like your West Palm Beach photos!

Kasmira said...

If you've got a sunny, swampy spot and want red, you may want to try Cardinal Lobelia. Mine love the wet!