Yesterday, between the raindrops, I mowed my back yard. That clover grows thick! And I used the trimmings to mulch around one of the heather plants and the edge of the iris bed. I'm trying to enlarge it slightly. Then I trimmed the holly bush out front. It was looking great, but it was attacking anyone who ventured near the mailbox. Mostly new growth had to come off. And I cleaned up some of the downed daffodil leaves and weeds in the front bed.
I also planted a large pot with petunia seedlings. My lantana is starting to bloom, finally.
And it turns out that I had not one, but two flower stalks on my amarylis. Unfortunately, I discovered this because one of the storms last night broke it off. Boooo! But, the one that survived is going to bloom in the next couple of days. Yea!