Monday, April 10, 2006

Parental Bounty

I visited my parents over the weekend. My dad had potted up six clumps of lily tufts for me. And he had also made a sifter for me. It's basically quarter inch chicken wire attached to a wooden frame, so I can remove the largest branches and rocks from soil and mulch. Very nice. 

Sunday night, I started my seeds. It's a little late, but several of my seeds only want started 2-3 weeks early. And there was frost this morning. Heck, my folks got snow on Saturday. Brrr. But then that's April for you. Let's see, ten cells of six different varieties went into the seed starting tray;
  • sunflowers - Velvet Queen
  • asclepias - Gay Butterflies
  • monarda - Pandamonium Mix
  • nasturtium - Jewel of Africa
  • convolvulus - Enchantment Mix
  • cosmos - Bright Lights Mix.

I also dead headed my daffodils Sunday afternoon.  There are still a few blooming, but the main mass finished blooming.