Friday, April 14, 2006

Happy Birds

Last night I bought more birdseed. I switched back to the type that is more thistle than sunflower. The birds seem happier. I also added water to the bird bath. The rain wasn't enough to fill it. Or rather, the rain wasn't enough to overcome evaporation.

Wow, isn't that looking bare. You can see the brown clay mixed with the black organic soil. What a contrast! Over by the side, you can see my peonies. They are quite happy. I bunched them up quite a bit, but I like concentrations of foliage. I need to get wire baskets for them post haste!

I need to mow my lawn I guess. I do like it long and the clover are doing so well. Although, those spikey white flowers could used knocked down. But it is so nice to flowers blooming.