Thursday, February 02, 2006

Spring Bulbs

Given the state of the garden when I was doing my fall clean-up, I had decided that there were no spring bulbs. After all, there was no foliage that matched. And it certainly didn't appear that the pervious occupant did any gardening clean up. And since I was still waiting to see the color of the rhodendrons before planting flowers out front, I didn't poke any in.

So, imagine my surprise when I noticed some strange green shoots sticking up under my holly bush when getting the mail yesterday. My first guess would be daffodils. Other than that, it could be anything. It's still early and there are no buds on the plants yet. But I guess I'll have spring bulb pictures soon!

Edit: Ewwww, maybe I won't have spring bulb pictures if they take too long. Looks like regardless of what Phil will say, winter is going to show up in the next six weeks. :(