Sunday, February 19, 2006

GBBC Update 2


Two chickadees.

Confirmed the titmouse, there might have been two.

A second woodpecker that wouldn't sit still so I could see his head.

A third woodpecker, either a downy or a hairy woodpecker.

Two more doves (up to 5).

Sunday:(birds of note)
7 grackles

1 hawk in a tree


Anonymous said...

I am doing the same where I am, counting birds! I have had a flock of robins settle in for over a week now--nobody listens to me when I get excited about these things! I like reading your tally, it is important to notice our feathered friends.

millionbells said...

Birds are important! I'm just so bad about identifying them, that I tend not to talk about it. But the flocks liven up the yard so much. Even if I do fear for my spring seeds.