Friday, January 06, 2006


After two weeks of cold dreary drizzle, with periods of drenching rain, I find myself staring January right in the face. January is a long month, with nothing much to look forward too, other than snow and cold. The springlike temperatures that have the cherry blossoms confused nonwithstanding. So, how do I cope?

1) Look at pretty pictures on the web nearly every single day. I make it my mission, at least on weekdays to search out some new flower on a picture website. I generally use since it has the most robust galleries for non-mainstream flowers.

2) Sometimes look at slideshows on This has the benefit of being able to do two things at once with a long enough delay on the slideshow. And if you pick the right topic, there are hundreds of photos.

3) Buy fresh flowers. Especially ones that perfume the entire house.

4) Leave the Christmas greenery up. Even if the other decorations come down (Twelveth Night tonight), leave the greenery up. It's got a nifty odor to it and generally is a tree in your house for awhile. Although, adding it to your compost pile is a nice gardening activity. And I must remember to put more limbs in the turtle's enclosure for them to hide under.

5) Catalogs and magazines. The magazines should be putting out their spring issues soon. And there's nothing like pretty bright colored pictures to make you bring one home.

1 comment:

Susan Harris said...

Hi. I just discovered you - terrific blog! I'm launching a gardening info site next month,, and will be including it. Check out the Takoma Hort Club if you want to do fun stuff with other gardeners - like to go the Eastern Performance Trials, for example. We're at Susan