This morning I woke up to 3.5-3.75 inches of powdery snow, depending which drift I measured. The only annoying part is the walk that I shoveled is all icy from melting in the sun, then refreezing tonight.
My deck didn't get cleared. However, I did clear off a bit of the railing and put two helpings of bird seed on it. There was this one little dark charcoal colored bird that was very funny to watch. The doves led the way and settled down to eat. Then two little birds followed. The little charcoal clown, missed the railing and plopped down in the snow on the deck. Granted, he was parked near, if not on the feed plate. He sat there for about a minute in snow up to his beak looking around. Then, he flew up and landed in a drift on the railing that hadn't been cleared. He sat there, then tried to hop to the seed on the cleared railing. However, there was a dove in the way. And the dove was not about to move. The charcoal colored bird got chased a couple times, before the dove decided to stand sideways, with a little bit of seed available.
Sadly, at that point, I had to go to work. But I did have a smile on my face.