It's a good thing I'm sick. The rain just keeps coming down. The mulch piles would be sopping at the yard.
The berries on the holly out front started to turn this week. It's nice to seem them be redish instead of green.
The iris are still doing fine. No more squirrel holes. The wilting leaves are still wilting, but the fresh leaves have remained fresh. I don't think I killed any while moving them.
I'll need to cut my grass next week. The dandelions are standing out again. I like them, but when they are the size of a dinner plate, they're getting big.
Ants have huge anthills out front. The annoying thing is when you squish them, you get yellow clay all over the bottom of your shoe. It's like you stepped in something else.
My hibiscus isn't happy. I can't tell if it is because I sprayed it with that soap solution, or the flies which are less but still there, or the fact that it has gotten much cooler by that window.
The heat is slowly creaping on for longer and longer. First it was just to take the chill off when getting up. Now, it's to keep the damp chill away. *sigh*
Yesterday's precipitation: intermittant light rain -- 1.5"