I was browsing WTOP's website and clicked on Mike McGrath's Garden Plots column. I found that there are now Garden Trials to preview new plants for next year. Especially in native soil for gardeners and garden centers. The article is here.
The article goes into some detail about the two open shows in the DC metro area this week, curiously neglecting the other shows in Virgina. He highlights the dates when they are open to the public. Seemingly this is the first year that they're doing this.
That's not what's important here. What is important is this link. It leads to a gallery of new plants that are on display at these trials. Clicking on each thumbnail leads to a display of what that provider is displaying at these shows and a small summary of each plant, as well as an identifier.
Especially, since there are new million bells coming out this year. And a way to track back to the company page. Very cool. I'm going to need to get a lot of these. And now I know "my" latin name: Calibrachoa.