From my want list:
I've decided to get some morning glories for next year. I'll put some Heavenly Blue out front in the green/blue/white themed front garden. I'll let it wind all through the rhodendrons and the holly and the yew. If it makes a break for the shutters, I'll consider retraining it. I was really impressed by the idea of having a vine creeping through those bushes, to flower when everything else is past or not ready. And it might perk up the olive drab of my rhodendron. Which needs shaped next year.
I'm also going to get a cheap trellis at some point and place it against my back fence. I'll leave that to some morning glories. I'm thinking about one of the more red/purple colored ones. The theme in the back yard is butterflies and hummingbirds, and they enjoy pink/red/orange/yellow flowers. This will also be in the birdbath garden, so it will give the little brown birds someplace to perch and hide while waiting for the birdbath.
I've always liked morning glories. The bell shape and the brilliant blues. I knew a weedy looking moonflower when I was in elementary school. I used to take the dog for a walk past this one spot that had one coming up through a crack in the curb. It always got mowed. But it was very pretty. My dad was always more into clemitis. But I think they have too much potential for my space.